Friday, November 21, 2003

It's weird when I go to other blogs that are "Christian" blogs and they are talking about how great drinking alchohol or Harry Potter is. Both of these things are spoken against in the bible. I am confused as to how Christians think this is OK? I just pray truth be revealed.
This is a poem I wrote to hang in the house.

Bless This House

Lord Bless this house you have provided
And let your presence be known
Guide our foot steps and direct our path
So that your love will be shown

Help us remember as we look around
You are Jehovah Jirah our provider
You are Jehovah M'Kaddesh
Our redeemer and sanctifier

Touch every person in this house
So they may know who you are
Your grace, mercy and love
Will reach them from far

Let your spirit dwell in this place
let no-one leave the way they came
Touch their hearts and renew their mind
We praise you, hallowed be thy name