I have the feeling I want to laugh and cry all at the same time. Am I pregnant no I don't think so, am I on my period? No. Why do I want to laugh and cry then? I want to cry because I am a sinner saved by grace, It is a happy cry. Why do I want to laugh? because GOD is so good to me and I don't deserve it but he cares for me any way and provides for me and loves me. It's not a laugh of haha that's funny but of the same reason I want to cry, it is for happiness.
My husband and I use to think that communicating with GOD everyday was not necessary in our walk with him. We called on him when we wanted something, said a quick thank you when we got something but for all the living in between we left him out. Our direct line to GOD went dead, no dial tone. Now that has changed we communicate with him everyday about anything, it isn't just when we need him. Some people call it excessive, overboard, holly rollers, JESUS freaks but thats ok by us. We love GOD and we feel his love for us. Call us what you want but GOD is too good to use only when we want something.