Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Golden Compass- Kids and parents beware!!

Pass this on to everyone you know
This is a warning about an upcoming movie for children in December.It is called The Golden Compass and it stars Nicole Kidman. They are going to advertise it as a normal children's movie but in the end it is trying to teach children that there is no God. It is based off of a trilogy of children's books and the author is an atheist. They evidently do some strange things in the movie and at the very end a girl and boy are supposed to be depicting Adam and Eve and then they kill God. They are trying to be very mild about it through the movie until the end so a lot of parents won't even know that it is coming so I wanted to pass the information on to you before you decide to take your children to see this movie. Also, it will be promoting his books so you may want to become familiar with the authors name and the books that he writes!

If you want to read more info about it the website is: I know that I was astonished that someone would make a movie like this and especially directed towards children!! I just wanted to pass the info along to you so you could warn your friends with children as well!

This message came from Steve.

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