Friday, March 23, 2007


It has been a while since I have posted. I have been busy and trying not to post at work but our computer is being fixed so I have to post from here at the moment. I have been reading blogs just not posting on mine.

It seems as if my husband and some of my friends think I am wierd. They don't understand why I have been taking pictures of the food I cook. They had never really even heard of a blog until I showed them mine. And then they thought I was even more crazy. So sorry to some of you out there they think you are crazy too. But it won't stop me I enjoy taking pictures and posting them altough by the lack of pictures on my blog you couldn't tell. My husband thought I was crazy of always taking pictures with him for no reason or when friends and family come over. Then the other day he said to me. We don't take enough pictures. I asked if he meant the professional pictures he said no just of us and friends. Then he told me he sees why I was talking all of those pictures.

I took my hubby to the airport today. He flew to Orlando for a cast convention. He will be back on Sunday. I was going to go but when we checked on plane tickets it was @ $500. Not going to pay that much for at ticket. It is spring break so that is why it was so high. I miss him already.

My mom is coming to see me today and spend the weekend. I don't know what we will do but we will think of something. And I will take pictures.

Well thats it for now. I hope to get my computer back soon so I can post pictures.

1 comment:

Leah said...

Isn't it sad how no one gets our blog addiction? At least we have each other in the blogworld, and we understand one another. I think it is a wonderful thing!