Monday, October 06, 2014

Just Shut UP!

Sometimes you just have to shut up. I know we are not supposed to say shut up. It's not polite. We teach our kids not to say it. But this is what God told me to do. Shut Up. You see this is a long way from where I use to be. When I would get all in my feelings as people say I would say things I should not say. Can you guess who the main target was? My husband. While I struggle to tell others how I feel I have no problem telling my husband. Nine times out of ten this will cause an argument.

But this day...this day I heard God say Shut UP! Oh I had a lot I wanted to say. It kept playing over and over and over in my mind. Have you ever done that? You knew you had some stuff to say and it was on repeat in your mind. And if you did say it how did that work out for ya? I know for me it doesn't ever go well.

You see I needed peace this day. That was the only way it would end well. If I really said how I was feeling in that moment I shudder to think about the ending. Don't get it wrong peace did NOT come immediately but I kept talking to God. I let him know how I was feeling and I told him YOU have to help me. God you have to wash me in your peace, wrap me in your comfort. You have to close my mouth. Do not let me be a fool with my tongue.

I have been a fool too many times with my tongue. I let my feelings control my speaking. Far too many times I have let my feelings speak before I let my mind process. Has that ever happened to you?

I can't say I will be perfect from here on out but this day....this day...

God 1 - Chandra 0. Yippee God!!

Proverbs 29:11Living Bible (TLB) A rebel shouts in anger; a wise man holds his temper in and cools it.

Proverbs 21:23Amplified Bible (AMP) He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from troubles.

Philippians 4:7Amplified Bible (AMP) And God’s peace [shall be yours, that [a]tranquil state of a soul assured of its salvation through Christ, and so fearing nothing from God and being content with its earthly lot of whatever sort that is, that peace] which transcends all understanding shall [b]garrison and mount guard over your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

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