Thursday, March 25, 2004

Its getting harder and harder to get up and come to work. I am not sick for those that don't know me. I just know deep down in the pit of my stomach GOD has more from me than working at this job. Don't get me wrong this is not a bad place to work and I am thankful for my job. BUT I know this is not what I am suppose to do for the rest of my life. Its so hard to know you are going in a different direction but don't know how you will get to your destination or when you will get there. Wondering if you have missed your opportunity, praying if you have that GOD gives you another one. Wanting so desperately a small confirmation that I am not crazy, that GOD is still with me and what I feel is not just my feelings but its GOD talking and guiding me. That one day my husband and I will own our own business. Wanting to know that I am seeing GOD's future for us and not us wanting GOD to see the future we want. All I can do is wait and believe. TRUST GOD. Be patient. Its so hard to know the end without knowing how or when you will get there.

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