Friday, September 09, 2005

I have been up since 4 am and I haven't had a cup of coffee. They have some here at work but it didn't do what a good strong cup of coffee does. I need coffee. I guess this means I am addicted to coffee.

Well if all goes well and our car doesn't break down I am off to AR to see my mom, sis and her family and my grandma and grandpa. I want to go to my dads grave this weekend and put some flowers on it. It is hard to believe that on Sept 2 it was 9 yrs since my dad passed away. I do miss him soooo much. Its so hard when someone dies and all you have is the memories, it is a hard adjustment. Since I wasn't saved when he died I never talked to him about GOD or salvation. I have no idea if I will ever see my dad again I can only hope so.

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