Thursday, December 14, 2006


Ok I will give a hint. I am not pregnant. We have decided to wait until at least 2 more years before we seriously consider having a child so that announcement won't be for a while. Other than that I can't say anything right now.

I had my annual review last week. I had been considering going back to get my degree in accounting. 2 yrs ago I started back to school full time and worked full time and I just could not do it. So if I go back it will be at a slow pace. The 1st year I will only take 1 class each semester because it is the hardest accounting classes to take and I will need to devote all my time to that. I have to really study to get good grades and comprehend things. I am not the one that never picks up a book and gets an A. That would be nice but not going to happen with me. But I would not be able to go back until Aug 07 and only if we have a 2nd car by then. So we will see. My boss really encouraged me that it would be the right thing to do and it is paid for by the company.

Sixer is doing great and is getting bigger. I am hoping he will not be so hyper as time goes on. We need to get him fixed, hopefully that will help a little. We shall see. Anywho the weather this week has been great. 2 weeks ago it snowed and was in the 30's for a while this week it is in the high 60's. Is it just Oklahoma or do other states have weather that changes from week to week. I'll take it while it lasts. This weekend it may be in the 70's and next week it is suppose to be in the 40's.

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