Thursday, June 29, 2006

My husband made fun of me this weekend. I listen to mostly gospel music and I am not a big fan of country but I do like some country songs and singers. I absolutely love the old gospel music that I grew up with like Old Rugged Cross, Are you washed in the blood and others. Well my mom got me a Alan Jackson cd of old time gospel music. The music you don't here today but it is what I grew up with when I went to church as a child. I love this cd. So he made fun of me for it. He does not like country music at all.

This week is my montly visit week. I have never had bad periods and sometimes they only last a day. Well its Thursday and I have not started. I think my husband is panicing. This morning he asked if I thought I was pregnant. I don't think I am. We just had a conversation yesterday about how my periods are light, I don't really cramp and I might not have one some months. But he still asked me this morning if I thought I was. I have never been pregnant before so I don't really know what it feels like but I don't feel like I am. I would be suprised if I was.

I need some help with my blog. It is a old template and I want to change it. I am template and blogger challenged though. It tells me if I change it I may lose some of my links and the tag board and such. I am afraid if I change it I will lose it and not remember how to set it all back up. I don't think anyone can leave comments as it is now. What to do????

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