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I started going to church as far back as my memory will take me. My mom was a evangelist so my sister and I were in church 8 days a week. As soon as we came home we ate and rushed out the door to get to church on time. Sitting on the pew is usually where we did our homework for the night. We were of the Penecostal denomination. It wasn't the one where you don't cut your hair and can't wear pants. There are so many different ones I couldn't tell you if we were called something inparticular or not. It's odd to go back this far in my memory and think about all of this. It's for the good though.
I knew as a child that there was a GOD and that he did good things for people. I remember very vivid one night I was @ 4 or 5 my stomach was hurting. It was hurting so bad I just remember asking my mom to pray for me and to make the pain stop. Other than this I don't remember ever really knowing about JESUS. I am sure I learned in Sunday school but I never had a personal relationship with him. When I was around the age of 8-9 my mom stopped evangilising. I do not know what happened. I would like to ask my mom about it, I think I know but I am not sure I want to actually hear it. Anyway after she stopped we stopped having to go to church. In my teens I started drinking and getting drunk. My mom would often go off on the weekends and it would be my and my sis. She was out of high school at the time. My mom and dad divorced when I was 2 I think. My dad was not religious at all. He had issues. He was in the Vietnam War and my mom and his parents, well basically every one that knew him before he went to war said he was different when he came back. Even though my parents were divorced they argued when they seen each other. Mostly because my dad was drunk. He started drinking and smoking weed when he got back from War. He became an alcoholic. It was hard sometimes. I remember one year for Christmas he was in rehab and that's where we had to visit him. After him and my mom divorced he lived with his parents. Only 1 time do I remember that he rented a trailer for a little while but eventually moved back with his parents. He had issues but he was still a great dad to me.
Ok anyway the weekends my mom was gone my sister and I would have parties. Then she got married when I was in the 11th grade so it was just me and my mom. This is when I started dating black guys. No one in my family knew. I was hiding it. So after high school I go off to college and start drinking even more. I honeslty did not want to talk about GOD at that time. I knew he was real and I was doing wrong and it scared me yet I refused to change. My 2nd year of college I met "Dos" my future husband. He is a year younger so he was a freshman and I was a sophomore. He was a smoker. Weed Smoker big time. I swore I would never do that because I saw my father do it and thought that was what made him like he was.(it wasn't until later that I realized it was the war also) So when I found out that Dos smoked I told him it was me or the weed. He chose the weed and I gave in. I was smoking and drinking. 2 weeks after Dos and I met my father passed away from cancer. When he died I received $10,000 from his life insurance. I spent all of that on weed. I kid you not. I was getting high everyday, smoking 2-3 times a day. The college we attended was just a 2 yr school so I went back home after my sophomore year. I did not finish school. Instead I got low paying jobs, working 2 jobs to be able to move out of my moms but in with a roommate. During this time I was still seeing Dos. One night I got a call from this girl telling me she was seeing and sleeping with Dos also. I broke it off. I wasn't perfect either though. But we got back together. The summer after his sophomore year he told me he was living with his mother but she did not have a phone. I knew something was going on but could not prove it. He was living 2.5 hours away from me. He would come and see me on the weekends. I was still smoking and drinking a lot. The day before Thanksgiving 1998. I was sitting at my desk working when I got a call from the receptionist saying I had a phone call. When the call was transferred it was the same girl that had called me about a year before saying she was seeing Dos. This time she told me they were living together. I was crushed. He called me soon after she did and I told him I never wanted to see him or talk to him ever again. That night I went to my cousins so I could get high. I did not want to be at home. My mom called me @ midnight to tell me Dos was in town to see me. I decided I would stay out even later, so I eventually came home @ 3 a.m. Not much longer after that Dos shows up again. This time he looked different to me. He told me he got saved and he was changing his life. I believed him. Even after all the lies he told me because I could see GOD on him now. I however was still hurt. He wanted me to come back to his moms and meet her and eat Thanksgiving with them. I told him no. He said he would call me. He did Thanksgiving day, the day after Thanksgiving and I agreed to go to OKC to meet his mom on Saturday. I was still being stubborn. Saturday morning before I drove up there I did 2 lines of coke and on the way up there I smoked some weed. I was good and high by the time I got there. I sat and talked with him and his mother and I could see the joy and happiness that they both had. I was unhappy and had been most of my life. I knew that could change though. That day in my mess I accepted Jesus as my LORD AND SAVIOR. That was the best decision of my life. 2 months (Jan 99) later Dos and I got married and we have been living for Jesus ever since.
PS please do not pay attention to my grammar I did not check it all that well.
1 comment:
I enjoyed reading this. Thank you for sharing. I too, am from Oklahoma. Anyway, I posted my testimony today too.
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