Friday, January 12, 2007


I have a lot of things on my mind. Things I want to do but time is not on my side. I don't know what to do. Let me start with my work and sleep habits. I have to go to bed at 9 pm because i get up at 4 am. If I go to bed any later I am miserable at work. We get up at 4 because we go to the gym in the morning before work. We only have one car. We have to be to work at 7:30 and get off at 4:30. We live 30 minutes from our job and we get home a little after 5. When we get home I have to cook something (if I have not prepared our meals on Sunday) and eat which can take 30 min to 1 hr. so by then it is 6. Now that we have Sixer (our dog) he needs attention. He is a puppy so I am hoping as he gets older he grows out of the stage he is in. I constantly have to watch him because he is always getting into something. If I try to read the bible he is constantly on my lap or bringing me a toy or trying to get my attention. I can't concentrate. I also would like to finish studying for my real estate license, work on a ministry newsletter, read the bible and pray. We are also talking about me going back to school in august to work on my accounting degree. I really feel like time is not on my side. On the weekends I have plenty of free time. But I feel like I need to work on this stuff during the week also. Another thing that bothers me is that I am constantly sleepy. When i start reading or if I try to study I can't concentrate because i am so tired. I try to get plenty of sleep, I eat decent and I work out so I feel like I try to be healthy but I can't figure out why I get tired all of the time. I have been to the Dr and they tested my blood and everything was fine. Please pray for me in that area. I don't know how some of you moms do what you do. I will start praying and asking GOD to guide me in what I need to do and how i can do it. I know he has the answers I just need to talk to him more. I trust him and he always comes through.


Anonymous said...

I feel you about the time thing. Do you guys work together? That is cool. I would love to work with my hubby, although I don't know how long that would last.

Maybe make a list of your to do's and start with just the first thing that way it doesn't seem overwhelming.

Just one more question: Why do you want your RE license and accounting degree as well? just curious.

Chandra said...

I don't work with my hubby yet but I hope one day we will. We only have 1 car so we have to ride together. That's kinda tough right now. But we are managing.

I think I will have to make a list amd see how that goes.

I want to learn about real estate because I want to see about buying houses to rent or sell and I want to get my degree in accounting for job security.

♥Lisa and The Pug Posse ♥ said... get up early! I go to the Gym too but I go after I drop my daughters off at school at 8:30 am...I don't think I could function at the Gym at 4am! UGH!!!!

Good for your working towards your real estate Licence! My MIL is a real estate agent.

Ileana said...

There's nothing like trusting God and going for it. I'm a little example of what God can do when you place your trust in Him. Good luck with the real estate license!