Tuesday, January 09, 2007

I haven't posted any pictures of Sixer lately. He has gotten so big. My how time goes by so fast.

This is Lady, our friends dog. Sixer likes her but she detests him. They also have a cat named Nemo. He hates Sixer also. My poor baby has no friends.

Sixer loved the snow we had in November. It is suppose to snow here again this weekend. We will see. We usually have 1 snow per winter sometimes 2 so if it does snow it will be the 2nd time.

My husband has come to love Sixer. At first he was hesitant to agree on having an inside dog. He wasn't to fond of the idea but now he loves Sixer. He loves how Sixer is so excited to see us when we get home from work.

Sixer had just gotten a bath and needed to snuggle so he could get warm.

This is our friends baby the day he was born. His name is Jaylen. He is precious.

Ok enough pictures.


♥Lisa and The Pug Posse ♥ said...

Thanks for leaving a comment...I lost your Blog address...so glad you dropped in so now I can check in to see what Sixer has been up too......

Anonymous said...

He is soooo cute!!!