Tuesday, August 16, 2005

I have still been reading many blogs the past few days. It is very important to me to understand what someone believes in if they are going to be writing about God and I am going to have a link to them on my site. There are a lot out there, as I have read lately, that do not believe in salvation the same as I do. I know there are non-essentials that Christians may disagree on but as I once heard a Pastor say the non-essentials aren't important its the Essentials that are important. Example cutting your hair is a non-essential to me(some forms of religion don't believe in it). Believing Jesus is the Son of God is essential. I hope this is making sense. As my site is called LoveLikeChrist I believe it is very important to show love to all no matter what, but my love will not guarantee my salvation. What I believe in will and how I live my life according to that belief will. Everyone is entitled to their beliefs, God gave us the right to choose, but I just can't be responsible for leading someone to a site that I don't agree with on the essentials.

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