Monday, August 22, 2005

It Monday, Monday. wasn't that a line in a song? Maybe I just made that up. I am trying to figure out how to get more people to my blog. I am not sure if it is "cool" to ask someone to link me and I will link you. But I really don't want to keep posting if I am the only one reading this. If you stop by please just leave me a hi to let me know someone other than me is reading it.

I am always trying to improve my relationship with Jesus everyday. I know he has helped me soooo much. I use to be a tv junkie. I could not pry myself away from it. But now I have a select few shows I watch and they are mainly the home improvement type shows. Trust me I have come a mighty long ways thanks to God. I hope to one day post some amazing comments on my thoughts and beliefs right now GOD is working on me.

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