Friday, June 20, 2003

I don’t know what it is about women! Men can get together and do things and have fun but women are so different. I have some friends but no one ever calls me and asks me to do things. Not that I would have the money to do them. We just don’t have extra money right now but we could rent movies or find something to do. Most of my friends have kids and for some reason the wife always gets to take them everywhere she goes and some of the kids drive me crazy. Their parents do not watch them very well. I’m telling you if my husband and I have a kid he will be taking the kid with him so I can have some time to do what I want. What am I talking about we don’t even now if we want kids.

If my husband goes to them movies tonight I will probably sit at home and watch While You Were Out by myself. He’s going to see the Hulk and I don’t want to go.

I think I have set a record for myself the most blogs in one day!

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